August 14, 2018 3 min read
While staying focused on your goal of attaining a proper weight, and keeping in mind your mind-body type, you need to observe the following recommendations:
If you belong to Vata dosha, you need to consume warm, oily and heavy meals. As such, you should limit the intake of pungent, bitter, & astringent foods, but increase the consumption of sweet, salty, and sour foods.
On the other hand, if you belong to Pitta mind-body type, you should consume more Sweet, bitter or astringent taste foods while limiting pungent, salty, or sour tastes.
Lastly, if you belong to Kapha dosha type, your consumption focus should be on bitter, pungent, and astringent taste foods while limiting the consumption of sweet, sour, and salty taste foods.
In conclusion, with all that you read in this blog post, I believe you can comfortably follow the Ayurvedic remedy for weight loss with a goal of controlling your weight naturally. The most important thing regarding this weight management remedy is getting the right knowledge and using it to your advantage.
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