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June 19, 2017 5 min read


We mindfully formulate all our Nariveda Life Force Elixirs at our Narmada Ayurveda Research Institute in Sedona, Arizona. The word “Nariveda” stems from all that goes into the creation of traditional RasayanaAyurvedic medicines, addressing not only the body, but also the needs of the mind and spirit. Nariveda Life Force Elixirs employ the Rasayana (rejuvenative) Ayurveda approach to healing, incorporating ingredients, nutrients and botanicals that are scientifically-proven to support health at the cellular level. The approach used in the creation of all Nariveda Life Force Elixirs maximize synergies between all ingredients. Rasayana is the part of the Ayurvedic healing system that supports the prevention and treatment of degenerative diseases. The plants used in Rasayana Ayurvedic medicine are classed as rejuvenators. The ancient definition of “Rasayana” (or rejuvenation) is the study of how to age gracefully or “aging without tears.” In our formulations, we have specifically chosen some of the most prominent Rasayana medicinal herbs known as immunomodulators. These botanicals also qualify as phyto-adaptogens, which offer anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-stress characteristics to promote cellular rejuvenation, longevity and overall wellness. Through extensive research and using a proprietary molecular delivery system Narisorb™ and Cold Vortex™ (a process that incorporates super-raw, zero-heat, harmonious cold-blending), we have created and formulated innovative and effective dietary anti-aging nutri-cosmeceutical elixirs that open new doors in integrative medicine and Ayurveda wellness world. Our Life Force Elixirs provide multi-dimensional cellular nourishment that meant to address Tri-Dosha healing by balancing Doshas and hormones. This is a critical approach because all people have a Dosha type that can change from moment to moment and hour to hour. By creating our formulations to respond to all Dosha types, our elixirs can better address health concerns in all of those who consume our products. Yes. We believe that Sedona’s geology is a key factor to supporting the overall healthfulness of our products. Recent scientific evidence supports vortex energy in this area. This energy, both electric (a male aggressive energy) and magnetic (a female contemplative energy), is most obvious at its vortex. Although these energies occur across the globe, nowhere else on Earth has such a high concentration of vortices for which Sedona is known to have. Sedona is also very well-known as a place of great peacefulness that can boast being a pollution-free, pristine healing destination. Hopi legend tells us that the Sedona-Verde Valley is part of Great Temple City of Wisdom built by the Star people. This legend only adds to the allure of the area, which brings visitors from all over the world. Narmada Ayurveda Research Institute’s founder and the creator of the Nariveda Life Force Elixir products, Nirmal Yogi, was born and raised in a traditional Ayurvedic home in Gujarat, India. There he studied organic chemistry before immigrating to the United States in 1984. For years, Nirmal ran a successful business in his adopted and beloved new home country, but his path would soon change. A series of remarkable events transpired that led Nirmal on a spiritual quest in the land of his birth, where he would spend four years in intense meditation and contemplation under his Guruji. Nirmal’s path of devotion that lead to a period of finding his purpose, as well as the research and development of his formulations, evolved into the Nariveda line of elixirs. Because Nirmal was not content to use the typical ingredients found in most supplements on the market today, he looked to ancient Indian ingredients and Rasayana Ayurvedic healing principles. Believing that regular supplements available on the market did not allow the body to absorb its complete nutritive value, Nirmal applied his knowledge of alchemy to compliment Ayurvedic properties. The result? A very unique and effective line of premium elixirs based on ancient Ayurvedic properties and modern cellular science. At Narmada Ayurveda Research Institute and in all our Nariveda Life Force Elixirs, our focus is and shall always remain on taking a careful, mindful approach, integrating scientific findings with traditional Ayurvedic Rasayana adaptogenic herbs. The result is an unmatched platform of innovative Ayurvedic elixirs that satisfy “smart” consumer requests for natural, organic, science-based, clinically validated and efficacious ingredients for nutrition and rejuvenation at the cellular level. We put quality and efficacy above all else. We are the first in world to offer the highest number of patented ingredients that to our knowledge cannot be found together in any other healthful product. Our innovative Ayurvedic elixirs utilize science-based and clinically validated breakthrough bioactives for cellular nutrition and rejuvenation that addresses the whole health of the body... as well as the mind and spirit. We are fervently aware that western medicine rarely addresses all three. Further, all of our elixirs are made with 100% pure, non-GMO plant-based, gluten-free ingredients using no artificial additives, fillers or preservatives. Nariveda Life Force Elixirs offer Ayurvedic Rasayana formulations that have been time-tested, refined, and polished to offer the highest in quality, potency and value. Yes. We are planning to introduce two new elixirs in near future: Guruji’s Grace – This Tri-Dosha elixir is formulated to support Telomere Health (telomeres help to dictate a person’s longevity). Vigor Veda – This Tri-Dosha elixir is formulated to supports Balanced Hormonal Health for both males and females. Yes. We didn’t know everything we would face in starting a company such as ours. We had to entirely shift our mindset and all our assets to create our lab that would not just be in alignment with regulations but also with our vision and mission. We didn’t know how to share with consumers the benefits of our products and we had to go through a few tribulations before finding like minded individuals to help us with our marketing efforts. We had to learn to use social media to spread our message and how to wear many hats until we could delegate different parts of what we do. However, we know that Nirmal must be in the lab to direct the functions there. Sometimes aligning a business with one’s spiritual goals and path can be challenging, but we have accomplished that feat and look forward to the journey ahead! The integrity of our products and the dedication of our entire team to maintaining a very high level of integrity in the creation of all our products. We run an honest company with a mission to provide healthful supplement elixirs to people everywhere. We know we could charge far more for our products because the ingredients we use are not the run-of-the-mill types that other supplement manufacturers use. But we won’t. We will always place integrity before profits. Always. We also hand-craft our elixirs to ensure the highest level of quality in every bottle! This is a virtue in itself. At Narmada Ayurveda Research Institute, our mantra is very simple: “Create the “Mindfully” Best Products!” Our mindful-formulation approach provides the cellular boost of raw energy to our inner body on a regular basis that may help repair damaged tissues and to cope with stresses, both good and bad. In this arena, we are doing well! Our brand is growing in the awareness of consumers everywhere. Additionally, we are proud of how our formulations interact with the human body at the cellular level. After all, the bio-availability of any nutritional ingredient is a vital determinant of clinical efficacy!

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